Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It smells like salt and funnel cakes. I stand, watching the watercolors of teal churn in steady currents before they reach up, bend over, and crash down onto the pebbly shore in a tumble of seafoam. I hear the sound of the waves crashing, bubbles foaming, gulls shrieking madly, and the utter droning of rushing water as it sweeps over my feet. Goosebumps prickle up my legs and my toes sink into the now-slimy sand. The salty breeze lifts up my hair from my shoulders as I feel the grains of salt sting my eyes and race over my skin. But I’m not cold. The sun’s warm breath bathes me. I take one step forward and enjoy the feel of the cool sea gushing at my ankles. It sends a shudder of anticipation up my spine and my heart pounds. With the gritty seashells embedded below my feet, I anxiously take another step forward...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dead-End Dream

It crumples me all

The shudders that break me until I bawl

It builds like a wall
The feeling that everything’s just going to fall...

It deprives my soul
The image of our dreams you just let go...

And it floods over me
The realization of the lies I just didn’t see.